An Enterprise story by Evelyn Outcalt began: “Compared with the problems encountered in 1971, the 1972 Diamond Jubilee Winter Carnival was a breeze. Or, so it seemed to the public. The carnival committee, headed by Bill Grogan and Margaret Haig, may have thought otherwise.” (This committee ...
I walked into my office at 8 a.m., Feb. 3, 1973, 52 years ago, to begin a routine day as editor of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise.
My boss, Bill Doolittle, owner and publisher of the Enterprise greets me with, “Howard, I am going to send you to Switzerland with Mayor Robert Peacock to ...
The lead story on the front page of Jan. 6, 2000 — under the headline “SPECIAL REPORT — BIG TUPPER CLOSES”; Big Tupper, where Senator Bobby Kennedy skied many times (and where I had my picture taken with him) — stunned the community, although the residents knew it was coming. I guess ...
Another treasure from the Adirondack Room of the Saranac Lake Free Library through the cooperation of the Curator and head of my Research Team, Michele Tucker.
Following are short stories about the activities leading up to the 1932 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid, the first every held ...
In the last two columns I have tried to capture the sheer size of the special edition of The Enterprise, not in the number of pages but in words all under the 72-point headline “Adirondacks Offer Winter Vacations.”
Enterprise Publisher Jim Loeb, in a brief editorial, easily explains ...
The following few words come from quite a few contributors to this special edition. Following Christmas break, we will cover more of the stories in depth.
FRANCIS B. CANTWELL (Barry and Bills Grandfather) says:
“The history of sled dog racing in the Adirondacks should begin about 1923 ...