
Letters to the editor

Are there still proofreaders?

To the editor: I hesitated to write this letter because I was sure you’d be publishing a correction. However, it’s been a week and I haven’t seen anything. Is there such a thing as proofreading anymore or has it all been turned over to AI? For some time now I’ve noticed, on a ...

A coup is a coup

To the editor: A coup by any other name is still a coup. This is what we are witnessing in Washington as laws are violated and as unelected individuals invade and take control of critical IT infrastructure of the U.S. government. Voters should be deeply troubled, as I am, by the lawless ...

Successful distribution day

To the editor: Another successful distribution day for the Holiday Helper Program! We are so grateful to our community members for their incredible continued generosity. We put the call out for older children and boy did you deliver. Services were provided for over 165 children, 75 ...

CO2 is indeed an existential threat

To the editor: In his recent letter to the editor, Jed Dukett relies on Dr. John Clauser, who won a Nobel Prize, to reinforce his claim that CO2 is not a pollutant and that there is no climate emergency. What Mr. Dukett ignores is that Dr. Clauser’s views stand in stark contrast to the ...

Thank you to Jay Ward

To the editor The Board of Directors, on behalf of the Au Sable River Valley Business Association (ARVBA,) recognizes Jay Ward for his outstanding service and dedication to our mission. Since helping to found ARVBA beginning in 2020, to Ward Lumber becoming ARVBA’s first paid member in ...

The real issue is energy poverty

To the editor: Regarding my Jan. 11 guest commentary (“Ignoring the bias in climate change science”), Mr. Joe Martens cited United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, “climate refugees,” and my writing as “misinformation,” (“Response to Jed Dukett’s ...