
Guest Commentary

Welcome to Can-Am Rugby

Welcome to the 50th annual Can-Am Rugby tournament, hosted by the Mountaineers RFC. Over the years many faces have come and gone through the visiting clubs, The Mountaineers and the Can-Am tournament board. However, our love of rugby and dedication to host ruggers from all over the world each ...

Vote Blue, no matter who

So “Republicans emerge from their convention thrilled with Trump”? (Adirondack Daily Enterprise, July 20.) What alternate reality are we experiencing? Mr. Unity gave the longest and most mind-numbing speech at a convention ever. It was filled with lies and all the old grievances, “crazy ...

The new politics do not help Saranac Lake

The new politics do not help our village. I refer to divisive, inflammatory rhetoric lacking in any thoughtful discussion and without concern for our future. A great example of this is the reason for, and the response to, Howard Riley’s July 2 letter (“Mayor deserves support from Saranac ...

For our first responders and our community, we have work to do

Saranac Lake is about to make its biggest investment in history, but we should stop the current freight train approach and start planning for that investment the right way. Our first responders have long deserved modern facilities that meet their current and future needs. We owe it to both ...

Working together in challenging times

In these deeply polarized times, the future of our country depends on Americans believing change is possible and that their participation matters. We at Adirondack Foundation believe in the power of local, rural communities to help shape America’s future. In my two-plus decades of leading ...