An Enterprise story by Evelyn Outcalt began: “Compared with the problems encountered in 1971, the 1972 Diamond Jubilee Winter Carnival was a breeze. Or, so it seemed to the public. The carnival committee, headed by Bill Grogan and Margaret Haig, may have thought otherwise.” (This committee ...
People who are cool in dicey situations we refer to as having nerves of steel. If anyone defined my sang froid — or more appropriately, my lack of it — they’d say I have nerves of tinfoil.
It’s not that I fall to pieces under stress. Usually, when the going gets tough, I rise to the ...
Now, I’m a hugger. It’s not to say that I want or expect every stranger to greet me with a hug, but I am more apt to say goodbye to someone with a hug rather than a wave. I’ve also been the recipient of unasked-for hugs.
A few months ago, I was at the local pharmacy trying to figure ...
When our oldest daughter entered the Adirondacks Hamlets to Huts shop, Joe Dadey greeted her as he does everyone. Their conversation went something like this ...
“Anything I can help you with?”
“Yeah, my parents gave me a fleece-lined headband for Christmas, and now I want to get ...
Tea 2025. Warm up with a hot cup of tea!
It’s Carnival Week! Bring along a thermos of tea. And after coming in from wintery fun, sip your favorite tea to warm and hydrate.
After water, tea is the world’s most widely consumed beverage. The British love tea. Russians love ...