
Letters to the editor

Conflicts of interest and STRs

To the editor: The website Investopedia (www.investopedia.com/terms/c/conflict-of-interest.asp) offers a succinct definition and explanation of “conflict of interest.” “A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable because of a clash between personal ...

Help us make SL’s After Prom Party one to remember

To the editor: Greetings from the Saranac Lake After Prom Party Committee! We are so excited to finally begin planning this year’s After Prom Party for Saranac Lake High School. This is such an exciting opportunity for all of us, especially since we are still coming out of COVID, and a ...

Where did our Saranac Lake go?

To the editor: Whatever happened to the village I used to know? I have lived in my house on Petrova Avenue across from the HHOTT House for 32 years. I love my neighborhood. Now the village wants to put a 70,000-square-foot Emergency Services building across the street (imagine a superstore ...

Why I support local nurses — and why you should, too

To the editor: I was handed a flyer by one of the nurses who works at Adirondack Medical Center who was marching in the Winter Carnival parade. The nurses are fighting for a fair contract that guarantees safe staffing, a safe work environment and the benefits and wages nurses deserve. They ...

An Ice Palace build for the record books

To the editor: The Ice Palace build this year was one for the record books. It came close to us not having the centerpiece of the Winter Carnival. Up until the day before we began construction, I was not sure we had thick enough ice to cut and build with. Luckily, the day before we ...

Thanks for supporting annual fundraiser

To the editor: On behalf of the Catholic Daughters Court St. Bernard #787 and the Knights of Columbus Saranac Lake Council #599, I would like to express our sincerest thanks for all the support received in our recent fundraising efforts at the annual Winter Carnival Spaghetti Dinner held at ...