
North Country Kitchen, by Yvona Fast

Squash many ways

Summer squash is on the wane — but can still be found at farmers markets. Winter squashes are beginning to appear. There are “in-between” squash, like spaghetti or delicata, that don’t fit neatly into summer or winter varieties. Delicata is tender, with a skin that does not need to ...

Celebrate National Mulled Cider Day

National Mulled Cider Day is perfect for celebrating autumn. Mulling means infusing beverages — like apple cider — with spices. Mulled drinks have been around since ancient Rome, but Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” enhanced their popularity. Apple cider is fresh, unfiltered ...

The wonderful, versatile eggplant

We’ve passed the equinox, and September is winding to an end. Among the fall crops at the farmers market are several varieties of eggplant — in season through October. This subtropical plant originated in Asia — though no one is sure exactly where. It is popular throughout the Middle ...

National Guacamole Day

Today is Mexican Independence Day — commemorating independence from Spanish rule in 1810. Today, it is also also known as guacamole day. Avocados are native to south central Mexico, and the first guacamole recipes — though a bit different than what Americans consume today — were ...

It’s time for apples

August is over, and with it, an end to local peaches. September has arrived, and so have early-season apples — many Americans’ favorite fruit. I’ve already bought Paula Reds and Ginger Golds — both are early apples ready in August. Soon, Zestar and Jonamac apples will be ready, too. ...

Welcome September harvest

Days are noticeably shorter, nights longer. A few trees, stressed by rain and weather, show autumn splendor. The fall semester has begun at our region’s college campuses and kids will be returning to school this week. The annual 90-Miler is just around the corner. Although the fall equinox is ...