
North Country Kitchen, by Yvona Fast

Dandelion salads

We haven’t tilled our garden yet — and it is popping up with dandelions. These delicious, nutritious greens are ready to harvest now. While the roots and blossoms are also edible — traditionally, flowers have been made into wine or baked into fritters and roots ground into a coffee ...

Earth Day and Passover

It’s April 22. We’re one month into spring. The snow is gone. Ice is off the lakes. April showers water the soil, bringing new life. On sunny days, crocuses open in our garden and lawn to greet its warming rays. April 22 is Earth Day, set aside to honor the earth’s bounty, encourage ...

Granola bars: Making your own

A while ago I wrote about making your own granola. You can also make yummy granola bars with just a few simple ingredients, like oats and maple syrup. Boxed granola bars can be overly sweet and loaded with calories. Homemade ones are healthier. Use less sugar and less fat. Nuts, sunflower ...

Out of this world eclipse day fare

Today is the day of the total solar eclipse — and we’re in the path of totality. Restaurants in our area will be packed with eclipse tourists — and many will be serving eclipse-themed menus. We all need to eat. Some are inviting guests for eclipse viewing, or throwing a party for the ...

Got leftover Easter eggs?

The Easter egg hunts are over — and we have lots of hard-cooked eggs left after the holiday. Fortunately, there are many ways to use up your hard-cooked Easter eggs! My favorite way is to toss them into salads, but having hard-cooked eggs on hand makes for an easy, fast breakfast with a ...

Easy eats for Easter celebrations

Spring has arrived with winter’s last hurrah. Crocuses have blossomed but snow covers the ground. Next Sunday brings Easter. In the U.S., Easter is not as big a holiday as it is in many parts of Europe. That’s because the Puritans rejected the customs associated with Easter: flowers, ...