
Teens Speak

My dreams for my community

Perfection. To be perfect has one clear meaning: “To be free of faults and defects; as good as possible.” Nothing in this world is perfect, including my community of Bolton Landing. My community is close-knit and we value each other and what we know we can do to help others. However, ...

Where is art going?

All throughout history, societal change has impacted art. The Greeks painted emperors onto vases, Christians painted their newly-murdered messiah on chapel walls, Warhol painted copy after copy of the same can of soup to represent his American culture. But we live in an age where change has ...

Social media trends tire teens out — maybe that’s the point?

Is anyone else just tired of it all? 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, what with the global pandemic and everything that followed. Meanwhile, on social media everyone was losing their minds for a different reason: The need to be productive. The world had come to a creaking halt, people ...

The battle between stereotype and conscience

Do I want to make a New Year’s resolution? People I talk to say they have a hard time following through with their New Year’s resolutions. Social pressure and assumptions can make things confusing, especially for teenagers who want to be accepted for who they truly are and not be forced ...

Social media and its effects on teenagers

Throughout my childhood, I have been warned by adults that social media and the internet are dangerous and depraved, consisting mostly of people lying about how good their lives are to make everyone else jealous and insecure. The only things I heard about online spaces were gross ...

Thanksgiving is for appreciating the present

Valentine’s Day is over-promoted, Halloween is everywhere, and Christmas is a spectacle you can’t avoid, yet there’s one holiday that’s always overlooked: Thanksgiving. However, I’ve always been quite fond of the holiday. The idea of setting aside time to be in the moment and reflect ...