

Frosty espionage: Blades, banter and covert glides


I recently had two not-so-earth-shattering epiphanies. First, my mother, who is in her 80s, has a more active social life than I do. Second, I’m not as young as I imagine myself to be. My mother belongs to a variety of senior groups and partakes in their outings regularly. For that, I am ...

Photos tell a truth beyond words

Letters to the editor

To the editor: A recent Washington Post article reports that photos from military style AR-15 assault rife mass murders are often shielded from the public by “laws and court rulings” that keep these images and records secret. When photos are available, journalists typically don’t ...

Thankful for our small businesses

Letters to the editor

To the editor: At this time of year, it is traditional to think of things we are thankful for. Over the past couple of weeks I have experienced several reasons to be thankful for living in a small town environment. It is a place where people go out of their way to help each other and treat ...

Teen driver safety ranks high in NY


In a recent news release from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, a nationwide survey — which examined the teen-driving environment in each of the 50 states by using a collection of 23 key metrics — found New York state was ranked the safest in the nation for teen drivers. The study ...

It is still Thanksgiving


We are blessed. We celebrated Thanksgiving, got together with friends or family, had a big feast to count our blessings and celebrate native foods like squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cranberries and turkey. We read about food insecurity and how our neighbors worry about putting food on the ...

Local drivers in 140-mile outboard race


I believe this story will blow you away; especially if you are one who has every spent any time driving a boat with an outboard motor. In the 1940’s, all of us high school kids drove a lot of outboards with motors of various horsepower owned by parents and usually tied to the docks at the ...