

Postal vehicle passes stopped school bus in Saranac Lake


Passing a stopped school bus is one of the most flagrant traffic violations there is. Obviously, it has the potential to seriously injure or even kill our most precious people — our children — and I don’t know of anyone that wants to hurt our youth. However, on Nov. 13 at 2:37 p.m., ...

New year and new beginnings


New Year’s Eve traditions are supposed to bring luck and prosperity for the upcoming year. From midnight kisses and countdowns to good wishes and resolutions, all customs are part of gesturing in the New Year. Since I’m just as superstitious about bringing in any bad luck, I’ll bring ...

Blind navigation


If you have kids, you probably remember your first parental gut-wrenching panic. You know the moment: You’ve just left the hospital and struggled to snap the baby carrier into the car seat base. You look at the fragile human nestled there and wonder, “Who thought it was a good idea to put ...

‘Skiing, for years a nonsensical fad’


That sassy headline was lifted from the lead paragraph of a great story in this 87-year-old magazine. Time, created by Henry Luce, was first published on March 3, 1923 followed by other great magazines — Life, Fortune and Sports Illustrated. Time was the first weekly news magazine in the ...

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus


(Editor’s note: Eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York’s Sun newspaper, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history’s most reprinted ...

Bring on the red

Guest Commentary

How do you react to the color red? With the holidays approaching, we are apt to see a lot of red around. We may have the tendency to wear red. We drape a scarf around our neck or attach a candy cane pin to our sweater. We dress up with a red blouse or make sure our tie has red accents in ...