
Letters to the editor

Join us in honoring our veterans on Saturday

To the editor: To our Tri-Lakes communities, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, a time to pay tribute to all veterans, living or dead, for their service. Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day, when the horrific conflict of World War I finally came to an end — in the 11th hour of the ...

Parents should get to decide what children read

To the editor: I find it quite disturbing that the “book banners” by profession are so indignant over an effort by parents to maintain their parental rights. By all natural and most man-made laws, it’s the parents’ responsibility to raise and instill right from wrong in their ...

Fire department’s Thanksgiving Ball returns this Friday

To the editor: On this Friday, Nov. 10, an time honored event is being revived. The Saranac Lake Volunteer Fire Department will hold its Volunteer Fireman’s Thanksgiving Ball. For nearly 100 years, the Saranac Lake Volunteer Fire Dept, held an annual Thanksgiving Eve Ball, at the Hotel ...

Thanks for searching for Mambo

To the editor: I would like to thank everyone who helped me look for my dog, Mambo, who went missing when we were walking at the end of John Peria Road on Sept. 29. Whether you posted his picture on your Facebook page or a site online, or helped me beat the bushes looking for him, thank ...

Happy Losers’ and Suckers’ Day?

To the editor: Happy Losers’ and Suckers’ Day? Veterans Day is approaching and people are already thanking me for my service. But for at least one presidential candidate, Veteran’s Day might be better called “Losers” and Suckers Day.” And millions of voters seem to be just fine ...

Hydro-Quebec does partner with Indigenous communities

To the editor: In his letter (“The ethical dilemma behind New York City’s green energy plan,” Oct. 31) about the fully-buried clean energy transmission project Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE), Mr. Geiger mischaracterizes the extensive engagement that the project has had with ...