
Van Cott has my trust

To the editor:

After growing up in Saranac Lake (SLHS ’83), then living several other places, I moved back here in 1999 when my children were small so they, too, could enjoy growing up in this great place.

In the 25 years since, I have regularly seen Paul van Cott working to make good things even better. His children and mine are of a similar age. As our kids grew up together, Paul and his family were always there, from Cub Scouts to high school musicals and dozens of other activities in between.

Over the years, I have seen Paul’s love for his kids inspire him to work for our whole community. He uses his experience and background to ask important questions, with the integrity to find and evaluate answers and the work ethic to implement solutions. He does not seek what might be convenient in the moment, but what will benefit the village and its people long into the future.

Whether or not I agree with him on any given issue, he always presents a thoughtful perspective which enriches the conversation and improves my understanding. I respect all the candidates in this race, but I trust none more than Paul van Cott, based on my quarter-century of observation. Just as I chose to return here for the sake of my children, he has chosen to work for the benefit of the village on behalf of his own kids. We are lucky to have him and I encourage all voters to support him on March 19.

Susan Olsen

Saranac Lake


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