
Van Cott will add balance to village board

To the editor:

We are writing to encourage Saranac Lake voters to elect Paul Van Cott as village trustee on March 19.

One of the things we have learned during our decades in the workforce in a variety of fields is that balance is important when forming successful groups such as committees, task forces and boards. In this letter we refer to “balance” in the context of the experience of our village board members. Our mayor and two trustees are in the middle of their first terms as our elected officials. We applaud their youth and enthusiasm and acknowledge that they have learned and grown in their roles since their election. However, the board is losing the institutional history and perspective of the two outgoing trustees.

In addition to the general exceptional personal traits and skills that Paul brings to the table, he is the best candidate to retain the knowledge that will be lost. He has experience with governing. He has experience with the law. He knows the ropes and knows how to work with various entities to get things done. He has spent a lifetime in or around our community, including owning a home in the village for over 30 years. He knows the people and the challenges we face as village residents.

Paul also knows first-hand the commitment required to be a village trustee. Now, after his previous tenure on the board, instead of declaring he has served enough, Paul is campaigning to bring what he knows to help shape our village’s future by working with an entirely different Board.

Vote for balance. Vote for Paul.

Terrance M. W. Kemp

Lynne Fisher Kemp

Saranac Lake

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