
Bring back civil discourse; vote for Cobb

To the editor:

In reporting that Elise Stefanik had updated her campaign website, the Watertown Daily Times also felt compelled to report that the website continues to falsely state her opponent’s position on a number of issues. Claims on the Stefanik website that have been debunked by journalists and by Tedra Cobb herself include Cobb’s positions on health care, immigration, gun control and law enforcement.

Voters who seek accurate information on Cobb’s positions of key issues will find it at tedracobb.com.

The cheap name calling, bullying and deliberate distortions, so popular in the current White House, have found their way to NY-21 through Elise Stefanik.

Bring civil discourse back to our political system. Send Tedra Cobb to Washington. Cobb is smart, fearless, tough and committed. She can do the job and keep her integrity intact.

Kathleen Fitzgerald



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