In Wednesday’s editorial, we introduced a project we are undertaking to publish a short, 150-word story on every local member of the high school and college Class of 2020.
Local high schools are sending their seniors a letter from us, explaining how it all works, and Paul Smith’s College ...
The COVID-19 quarantine is especially tough on students set to graduate this spring.
For high school seniors, it has taken away prom, their last chance at sports, concerts and musicals, and senior traditions unique to each school. As they wait to hear whether they’ll have an in-person ...
This week’s Straw Poll:
When do you estimate Adirondack businesses should be reopened?
Now ¯ Before Memorial Day ¯ Sometime this summer ¯ Later than summer ¯ Undecided
This poll is not scientific, and its results represent only the opinions of Internet users who have chosen to ...
All in all, most people we hear from seem to think the New York state government has done a pretty good job in managing the coronavirus pandemic, but of course, some mistakes were inevitable. Any of us would’ve made some, too, if we had been in charge.
One of those mistakes was when, on ...
It is easy to dismiss those protesting COVID-19 stay-in-place policies as wing nuts, whackadoodles or conspiracy theorists who don’t understand the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. And surely there are many who fit those descriptions among those who are flooding big cities and state ...
The COVID-19 crisis is helping us face ugly realities head-on and realize that sometimes, giant threats require a bigger-than-average responses from all of us as a whole. And climate change is a giant threat.
There are people who argue that the coronavirus is a hoax, or that it’s no ...