
The Inseide Dope, by Bob Seidenstein

When the Pendulum swung

Last Sunday I had a 1960s flashback. And no, it wasn’t an LSD one, either. Instead, it was about a universal feature of those heady days, now all but vanished — the coffeehouse. In case you didn’t know, the ’60s coffeehouse is not to be confused with a coffee shop of today. Coffee ...

Space case

I think I was destined, if not doomed, to be a teacher, which I decided to become a teacher at the tender age of 10. Of course, before that, in typical kid fashion, I’d fancied all sorts of other job. Maybe I’d be an explorer, or an astronaut, or a tightrope walker (in spite of being ...

In brewskis veritas

There are two mind tweaks I’m sure we’re all familiar with. One is deja vu, which is loosely defined as that weird sensation that, suddenly and for no reason, you think you’re reliving an experience, but you can’t figure out from when or where. You only know — or at least you think ...

True Blue

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine whose driving principle is similia similibus curentur. Or if your Latin’s a bit rusty, “like cures like.” The idea is if a substance can cause specific symptoms in a healthy person, it can cure those symptoms in a sick one. I don’t know if it ...

Doggie don’ts … and doos

I have no knowledge of medicine, but I can give you the best medical advice you’ll ever hear. It is this: If you have a medical issue — any medical issue — do not, under any circumstances, look it up on the internet. I’m sure there’s good medical advice on the net. But I’m also ...

No laughing matter

Child prodigies is a redundancy, since what makes them prodigies in the first place is their brilliance manifests in early childhood. One of the best known is Picasso, whose first word was “pencil” and whose first painting was at 9. Another was Mozart, who could play songs on the ...