
Family Time, by Diane Chase

The Tetanus Shot House

Whether working outside, with hand tools or fixing up a house, there is a rite of passage: the emergency room trip for an updated tetanus shot. We live in an area where our yard is filled with buried treasure, if you consider treasure to be rusty nails, old septic systems and wire fencing. ...

Cherry picking

I planted a dwarf cherry tree a few years ago, and it is finally bearing fruit. I know this because the deer jumped our fence to pick the bottom half of the tree clean. The deer couldn’t be bothered before, but now I have to fight for my right to have fruit. Like most things swirling around ...

Blood type and biting insects

Is it possible black flies are more prone to bite people with a specific blood type? I was recently informed that blood type may be why some people are bitten by insects more than others. Why hasn’t the government harnessed that kind of bug-flying power? The capability of a tiny flying insect ...

How the school budget process works

Today, May 21, is school budget voting day. Each school district has its hot-button issues. I’m not here to tell you how to vote. That is personal and not my business. I’m going to assume you have asked questions and gotten answers. Asking questions or doing an online search is perfectly ...

Sourdough death

Some people may have had their first introduction to a sourdough starter during the COVID shutdown. It was a novelty and necessity. Making bread became a family activity. Store bread was sometimes unavailable, and there was a yeast shortage. I loved watching all the recipes being posted on ...

Laughter is the best medicine

I hear the words “laughter is the best medicine” spoken by a man behind me as he waits to scan his groceries. I’m not sure how much healthier I am, but I find it easier to laugh at myself first while picking up my chaotically dumped-over purse. Thankfully, I didn’t have to pick up ...