

Congestion relief zone tolls in NYC now in effect

As of Jan. 5, vehicles entering the Central Business District (CBD) of New York City, popularly referred to as the Congestion Relief Zone (CRZ), have been charged a toll. The CRZ includes local streets and avenues at or below 60th Street in Manhattan and excludes trips entirely done on the FDR ...

Lake Placid’s Olympic bid for the ‘76 games

I walked into my office at 8 a.m., Feb. 3, 1973, 52 years ago, to begin a routine day as editor of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. My boss, Bill Doolittle, owner and publisher of the Enterprise greets me with, “Howard, I am going to send you to Switzerland with Mayor Robert Peacock to ...

Portion distortion

Parents have been weighing in regarding whether or not the size of portions being served in restaurants are larger than they should be — and whether they are contributing to the epidemic of children and adults becoming overweight or obese. Well, let me chew the fat on the subject of ...

Instant expert: Just add internet

Doc McHugh, Kookie and I are sitting in Nori’s cafe, with Doc talking about his time in Colorado. Suddenly, he stops talking and stares off into into the distance. “What’s up?” I say. “Colorado,” he says. “What about it?” I say. “I think that’s a Spanish ...

Group therapy

Winter Carnival is good group therapy. I thought about this last week as I drove out to Bloomingdale to work on our parade float. I thought about how Carnival brings people together across the many things that divide us. You might go down to Lake Flower to cut and stack ice with friends ...

Dance like everyone’s watching

Spin, clap! Roll hands low, roll hands high! Spin, clap! Roll hands low, roll hands high! We pass Garden Street and the Adults Center, and swerve a few steaming piles of dung from the bleating protests of four goats being reluctantly tugged by the local 4-H club. Volunteer firefighters, ...