
Rangers assist snowmobiliers

Forest Rangers with the state Department of Environmental Conservation responded to two snowmobile incidents over the past week in the Adirondacks.

Snowmobile crash

SPECULATOR — Forest rangers David Nally and Michael Thompson responded to a call for a snowmobile accident in the Speculator Tree Farm Conservation Easement at 12:43 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 11. Two riders from New Jersey with limited snowmobile experience had crashed in the woods. One rider suffered leg and shoulder injuries; the other sustained cuts and bruises.

Rangers assisted Lake Valley EMS and Speculator EMS by keeping the patients warm with a hypo-wrap while waiting to be evacuated. At 3:30 p.m., the subjects were taken to the hospital for further care.

The DEC encourages snowmobilers to follow posted speed limits and to practice caution.

Rider stranded, rescued after sled falls through ice

BRASHER FALLS — Forest Rangers Stephen Ellis and Osita Ezumah responded to a subject stranded on the ice on the St. Regis River at 11:05 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan 7. The subject’s snowmobile went through the ice in an area alongside the river. Ellis assisted the New York State Police Dive Team to escort the subject off the ice. A private tow company retrieved the snowmobile. It was unclear if the rider had suffered any injuries. Resources were clear at 11:53 a.m.

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