
Pride on parade

A Pride parade held in the town of Keene on Saturday draws roughly 100 participants from around the region. In honor of Pride Month, participants dressed in rainbow-colored garb and waved rainbow flags as they drove from Keene Valley to Keene. (Enterprise photo — Elizabeth Izzo)

KEENE — Roughly 100 people from around the region donned rainbow garb and participated in a Pride Parade in Keene on Saturday.

The parade — organized by a group of residents, members of the Keene Valley Congregational Church and staff at the Keene Valley Library — was held amid Pride Month and ahead of the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

Part of the inspiration behind planning the event was also the cancellation of Pride parades in larger cities, Jennifer Hoffman, one of the event organizers, said last week. Two of the largest events nearby, in New York City and Boston, have both been canceled due to the coronavirus.

Hoffman described herself as an LGBTQI ally, and said her family usually attends the parade in Boston every year.

“I want all kids to know they’ll be supported,” she said. “This is something we look forward to, this annual celebration of love and all its forms.”

A fire truck leads the procession of vehicles in a Pride Parade from Keene Valley to Keene in June 2020. (Enterprise photo — Elizabeth Izzo)

The parade procession from Keene Valley to Keene was led by a firetruck from the Keene Valley Fire Department. Representatives of Rookery Ranch brought goats that were rainbow-painted. Members of the Adirondack North Country Gender Alliance and the High Peaks Democratic Socialists of America also participated.


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