APA starts public comment on rail trail
RAY BROOK — The Adirondack Park Agency announced a public comment period for Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan conformance on proposals from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to amend the 1996 Remsen – Lake Placid Travel Corridor Unit Management Plan.
The APA will accept public comment through April 20.
The Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor is a State-owned railroad corridor extending 119 miles through the Adirondack region. The two termini of the corridor are in Lake Placid in Essex County and the Remsen in Oneida County. Other villages and hamlets along the corridor include Ray Brook, Saranac Lake, Lake Clear, Tupper Lake, Beaver River, Big Moose and Old Forge.
This 2020 Unit Management Plan Amendment/Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to the 1996 UMP/EIS would establish rail-and-trail and trail-only segments within the corridor.
The rail track will be retained within the corridor from Remsen to Tupper Lake (RTL), and the rail track will be removed from Tupper Lake to Lake Placid (TLLP). The Historic Preservation Plan (Appendix D) discusses locations within the TLLP segment to retain railroad features for interpretive purposes.
The 2020 Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor Proposed Final Amendment is available to view or download from the Adirondack Park Agency’s website at www.apa.ny.gov.
You can either email comments to comments@apa.ny.gov, or mail them to Richard Weber, Deputy Director for Planning, NYS Adirondack Park Agency, P.O. Box 99, Ray Brook, NY 12977.