
Family Time, by Diane Chase

Ice skating with visitors

It may seem counterintuitive to skate on maintained ice when surrounded by Adirondack lakes and ponds. With the recent snow, rain, and higher temperatures, I want to bring visitors to places where ice is safe. The beginning of every season is the time to be overly cautious. As a friend ...

Fresh snow on Moose Pond Trail

Good grief. I need to back away from the Christmas cookies. That is the mental conversation I have with my snow pants. The devil on my shoulder reminds me that I worked too hard to make the cookies and the sooner I eat them, the sooner they will be gone. Though my mental tug-o-war with sugary ...

The 69th Year of NORAD Santa Tracker

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been tracking Santa since a child mistakenly called a classified Colorado Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center (CADCOC) military base after reversing two numbers from a 1955 Sears Roebuck store advertisement. The ad in The ...

Taking off our shoes

At our house, there isn’t much debate about whether or not to take our shoes off when entering the house. We generally do it. It isn’t to prevent germs and disease. We have had dogs, chickens and small children deliberately bring other living and dead creatures into our house. Germs from ...

Enjoying the snow on the Heaven Hill trails

There is something magical about a first snow. The problem is we’ve had quite a few days of first snowfall through November, followed by the rest of the elements. It’s as if Mother Nature was menopausal and making sure everyone else needed to experience a few hot flashes. We’ve done the ...

To be thankful

I don’t want to get (too much) into the history of a holiday set around a myth that Pilgrims were the first settlers of America, and a friendly feast took place with turkey, stuffing and foods not yet invented. There is a lot of negativity around this holiday, so perhaps agree to talk about ...