Stefanik is fixing education system
To the editor:
The next economic crisis won’t center around oil, the housing market or Silicon Valley. It will be caused by millions of young people who are defaulting on student loans. A recent Forbes article put the total debt at $1.5 TRILLION. Yet it feels like so little is being done at the state and federal level.
Luckily we have Elise on our side to address this issue. In regard to debt, she fought and secured changes to the Pell Grant program that gave students more access and flexibility, and she introduced the Perkins Loan Extension Act to give students new tools to pay off their loans faster.
More importantly, she is a steadfast supporter of trade and technical schools — the right track for jobs in the new century. Instead of sending kids to college to garner debt, she’s supported legislation and funding that will support these schools and get more students trained for good-paying jobs and set them and their families on the right track.
If you want to stay on the right track to address this crisis, keep a Millennial in office who understands the needs of young people, retirees, families, farmers, students and seniors; you should cast your vote for Elise Stefanik on Nov. 6.
Jedidiah Thone
Rouses Point