
Tupper Lake wins baseball crown

The Tupper Lake baseball team poses with the Section X banner at St. Lawrence University’s Tom Fay Field in Potsdam on Wednesday. (Provided photo — Danielle Cuttaia)

At the beginning of the season, the Tupper Lake baseball team made it a goal to win its second sectional title in the past three seasons.

On Wednesday evening, the Lumberjacks did just that, topping the Brushton-Moira Panthers 12-0 in five innings to win the Section X, Class D championship.

With red-hot bats and shut-down pitching, the Tupper Lake powered its way to another sectional title, while earning its 15th victory this season. The team previously won the Section X, Class D title in 2022.

The Lumberjacks pounded out 16 hits and got a complete game (five innings), 10-strikeout effort on the mound from junior Karter Kenniston.

Kenniston, Grant Bencze and Griffin Shaheen recorded three hits each for Tupper Lake. Kyler McClain had two hits, while Cooper Cuttaia, Garrett Dewyea, Wyatt Godin, Luke Robillard and Ryder Willett each had one hit.

The Lumberjacks jumped out to an early 3-0 lead in the first inning when Shaheen hit a two-run single and was later scored on a past ball. Tupper Lake extended its lead in the second from an RBI single from Dewyea, a home run from Kenniston and an RBI single from Bencze.

The team added six more runs in the bottom of the fourth inning to earn win. Bencze, Dewyea, Godin, McClain and Robillard each recorded an RBI during that stretch.

The Panthers had two hits in the ball game, with Broc Allen breaking up Kenniston’s perfect game in the top of the fourth inning. Tristan Russell also had one hit in the game.

Wednesday’s victory marked the third time this season that Tupper Lake has defeated Brushton-Moira. The Lumberjacks outscored the Panthers 42-3 in those three games.

Tupper Lake, which improved to 15-2, will face the winner of the Section 2, Class C matchup between Hoosick Falls and Chatham on May 31 in the NYSPHSAA Class C subregional round at the St. Lawrence University.

The last time the Lumberjacks played in the subregional playoff game was in 2022 when the team lost to Crown Point 2-0.


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