
SL softball falls to Spartans

SARANAC — The Saranac Central Spartans softball team took advantage of opportunities given to them to pull away from the Red Storm, 23-0.

“Saranac Lake pitchers struggled with control today,” Saranac head coach Sam Campbell said. “With the heat getting to Kylee Meyer who had to leave after 2 innings of work, and Emma Akey out of the lineup it was left to Gracen Foster to finish.”

It just was a day where nothing went well for the Red Storm as they combined for 13 walks and had seven hit batters.

“We took advantage of the opportunities and put some hits together to score our runs,” Campbell said. “Saranac Lake kept working hard at the plate but just could not put anything together against Irelyn Ryan and our defense who played really well today.”

Elizabeth Recore led the way for the Spartans with three hits including a triple. Molly Denis, Abby Owen and Maddie Gagnier had two hits each. Owen and Gagnier recorded a double.

With the win, Saranac Central advances to the Section VII, Class B championship game.


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