BETA and Village of Saranac Lake Pisgah Collaboration
To the editor:
My name is Henry Hann. I’m a sixth grade student at Saranac Lake Middle School. I love mountain biking, skiing and being outside. I’m also a member of the Outride mountain biking group at my school.
Recently, my mom shared an article in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise with me about how the Village of Saranac Lake plans to work with Barkeater Trails Alliance (BETA) on upgrading the bike trails at Mount Pisgah. I read the article and it said the village is going to pay for half the cost of the design. I read that the dirt donated to make the trails years ago had lots of little rocks in it and it shows because The Cure is really worn down and in need of some help.
I think the hired builder will do a great job updating the trails. It is really nice of the Village of Saranac Lake to help with this. Thank you! The mountain biking community greatly appreciates it!
Henry Hann
Saranac Lake
A previous version of this letter incorrectly spelled Henry’s last name. The Enterprise regrets the error.