A message for the Republican candidates for NY-21
To the editor:
To the Republican candidates seeking to represent the New York state 21st Congressional District: Welcome to Tupper Lake. P.S. Don’t drink the water!
We have made Tupper Lake our home for 18 years. Each and every year we’ve received written notification that the drinking water in Tupper Lake does not meet the federal guidelines for drinking water contaminants. New York state has failed to help solve this urgent safety issue; in fact, they’ve made our water worse when they forced us to drill wells contaminated with iron.
The control of the U.S. Congress and therefore the nation will come down to less than two or three Republican Representatives. Just one Republican vote can shut down the Federal Government.
Each Congressman has the authority to attach what they call an “ear mark” to any spending bill; $25 million to provide safe clean water for a tiny village in the Adirondacks in a $7 trillion dollar federal budget wouldn’t be noticed. It’s how Washington, D.C. does business.
All politics is local. National and global issues are of no interest to people whose children drink, bathe, cook and wash clothes with contaminated water. We will only support and vote for the candidate that will pledge in writing to make Tupper Lake water their No. 1 priority when they are sworn in to represent our home. Thank you all for your most kind consideration.
Fred and Danielle Mason
Tupper Lake