Why I am a Democrat
To the editor:
In 1935, Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt sent his “Economic Security” plan to Capitol Hill. It was later renamed the Social Security Act. It was passed by Democrats with little Republican support.
In 1965, Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law with little support from Republicans.
One famous quote by President Roosevelt was, “If I were looking for a job, the first thing I would do is join a union.”
It is widely known that Republicans have always tried to eliminate unions. Since Roosevelt’s New Deal, Republicans have consistently supported efforts to weaken unions.
Do you like your Social Security? Do you like your Medicare program? Do you like your Obama program? It now covers 45 million Americans. Republican House leader Mike Johnson has said that If Trump wins the election, he will eliminate Obamacare!
Now you know why I am a Democrat and I am voting for Kamala Harris!
Joe DeMarco
World War II veteran