Guideboat Academy is Aug. 24-25
To the editor:
Did you ever see someone rowing a guideboat and wish that could be you?
Green Side of the Big Apple LLC is sponsoring a Guideboat Academy Aug. 24 and 25, Saturday and Sunday, from noon until 4 p.m. This unique and special academy will ensure another generation of rowers of this historic Adirondack craft.
The class will be given by Hanmer racers, seasoned rowers, and builders free of charge to area youngsters. Boats, all equipment, materials and instructors will be provided. Following the eight hours of instruction, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded and a mini race will be held on Lake Flower followed by a hot dog cookout.
Space is limited this first year so sign up early by calling Kathy Dyer at 505-235-1268 or send an email to
J. Sue Dyer and Kathy Dyer
Saranac Lake