
How would students improve their school communities?

To the editor:

For many Adirondack young people, schools are their community centers. Students’ dreams for improving their schools highlight concerns that are voiced more broadly in our region.

“I wish that schools taught more than just white man history. We miss out on the many great things other people and cultures have done if we don’t get to learn about them.” Our region has a long heritage of Haudenosaunee stewardship. More recent settling by Blacks dates back roughly 200 years. Many tuberculosis patients coming to Saranac Lake for a cure were immigrants.

Other students write: “In my school, stop excusing racist, sexist, and homophobic comments,” and “why do politicians care so much about what gender someone identifies as, when there are kids being killed in schools?” These are pleas to fix school culture so young people can simply be themselves and learn without fear.

New York law prohibits bullying, harassment and discrimination in public schools. Beyond the buzz words, research shows benefits such as better critical thinking, creativity and innovation and a smoother transition into a competitive work environment.

Zero indifference means teachers always address harmful or hateful conduct. Rather than punishing students, teachers use bullying and harassment incidents to teach. It’s worth trying in school and at home.

(This letter is one in a series sharing thoughts of North Country young people. Quotes come from essays submitted to the contest “My Dreams for My Community,” sponsored by the Community Engagement Project of Adirondack Voters for Change and the Adirondack Center for Writing.)

Alison King



NYS law: https://dhr.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-signs-legislation-extending-anti-discrimination-protections-cover-public

DEI in schools: https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/benefits-of-inclusion-and-diversity-in-the-classroom/

DEI in workplace: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/diversity-wins-how-inclusion-matters

Zero indifference: https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/TT-Let-s-Talk-Publication-January-2020.pdf

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