
Still looking for old Hanmer race awards

To the editor:

Hand fashioned maple and cherry plaques, courtesy of Tucker Hougton and Chris Dyer and engraved by Jeff McLean, will once again be awarded to the winners of the Willard Hanmer Guideboat and Canoe race.

Through the efforts of letters to the editor, the three-year search for missing trophies has been successful. While the Adirondack Experience museum in Blue Mountain Lake Craftsmandship Award has yet to be found, the local Craftsmanship Award was “found” and will now be sponsored by Green Side of the Big Apple. The Saranac Lake police department’s Gil Miron men’s canoe racing perpetual has not been found, and the search continues. Any reader with a clue to this past beloved police chief award location will be most appreciated.

A magnificent perpetual trophy will join with the others to be awarded in the women’s guideboat races. This perpetual will be engraved with the winners of both the two women race on Lake Flower and the one woman race down river. A local businessman and his wife, who wish to remain anonymous, have provided the award to be given in the memory of Timothy Doyle.

A special award will be given this year by Woodward Boat Shop — an engraved guideboat paddle for the winner of the fastest traditional guideboat competing in the one man race.

Entrants “Win, Win” at the 2024 race with Sam Grimone’s (Saranac Lake’s own Woods & Waters) suggestion of a drawing for all entered who did not place. Each team entered will draw from a pot of prizes provided by area businesses proving the local communities continued support of the Hanmer.

Kathy Dyer

Saranac Lake

Starting at $4.75/week.

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