Reeducation camps won’t work
To the editor:
MAGAs sent to a “reeducation camp” wouldn’t learn a thing. (Letter to the editor, “Reeducating Paula Collins,” June 21.)
Let’s face it. MAGAs will insist “deplorable” is name-calling because they’re not going to read or comprehend the context of Hillary Clinton’s remarks. They’ll scoff at believing Stefanik pays PR to over-inflate her achievements.
MAGAs live in their Trump/GOP kingdom of “alternative facts,” feeling privileged to be-in-the-know about conspiracies and flattered that a millionaire celebrity claims to like them. They’re not going to acknowledge facts about Trump’s lifelong history of lying, corruption and scams.
Angry denial is their go-to comfort zone. No one can make them believe that pre-planned, armed-militia attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 or that the GOP faked voter-fraud or that Trump committed any crimes. Besides, a little rule-breaking or immorality isn’t a big deal (unless Democrats do it). As adults, they’ve determined that reality-based information won’t change what they want to believe.
But the disturbing idea of our children learning from Stefanik’s “leadership by example” is something else altogether.
¯ Stefanik’s OK with harassing people she dislikes with verbal attacks and disinformation?
¯ Stefanik’s OK with bragging — taking credit for positive legislation she voted against?
¯ Stefanik’s OK with avoiding having to tell the truth by changing the topic, blaming someone else or over-reacting?
¯ Stefanik’s OK with overlooking someone’s mean or sexist behavior if that person will get her something she wants?
That’s not behavior I’d want any child, let alone a grandchild, to replicate. And Stefanik/Trump supporters aren’t concerned about that?
Martha Hodges