
Reeducating Paula Collins

To the editor:

There is an old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Democrats have a fun time labeling members of the right as “deplorables,” “insurrectionists” and “election deniers.” Those on the right are never hurt by these terms and often consider them a badge of honor.

Recently, however, the suggestions made by those on the left in regards to Republicans and Conservatives have become very disturbing. Paula Collins, who is challenging Elise Stefanik’s seat for the 21st Congressional District, recently proposed the idea to send supporters of former President Donald Trump to “re-education camp” as part of an effort to fix what she called a “MAGA nightmare.” As a lawyer, Paula Collins should know that this suggestion shows a total disregard for democratic principles and proposes numerous legal and ethical concerns.

Instead of “reeducating,” I’d like to remind the voters of the 21st district of all that Elise Stefanik has done for the North Country. In representing New York’s 21st district since 2015, Elise has consistently demonstrated dedication to her constituents while making significant contributions on both local and national levels. From advocating for infrastructure projects, championing for veterans and military families, promoting education, supporting small business, backing law enforcement, leading on national security and foreign affairs to elevating women’s leadership within government, Congresswoman Stefanik continues to lead by example with integrity and strength. Something I am not sure her opponent is educated on.

Cassandra Lavarge


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