
Thanks to Saranac Lake school superintendent for response

To the editor:

In a time when other large projects before the taxpayers of Saranac Lake (not related to the school budget) are attempted to be forced down the taxpayers’ throats, with little or no regard given to questions, requests for supporting documentation or differing viewpoints, it is refreshing to see a leader step forward, provide an evidence-based and fact-supported response, without intimidation, threats or otherwise disregard to a point of view questioning what has been presented by an official entity (in this case, the BOE and superintendent of the SLCSD). I applaud Superintendent Diane Fox for demonstrating what effective leadership can look like, and take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for providing an excellent and well-supported response (“Enhancing education through athletics,” guest commentary, April 30 Enterprise) to the questions I identified regarding the proposed Propositions 3 and 4 to the 2024-25 school budget for the SLCSD.

Perhaps others in positions of leadership in and around Saranac Lake might consider following Fox’s leadership approach — it seems to me much can be accomplished when we are all working together, rather than ignoring, or attempting to dismiss points of view that may differ from those who believe theirs to be the only “right” point of view.

I also, as a taxpayer, appreciate the invitation to be a part of the dialogue regarding this issue before us. My thanks, again, to SLCSD Superintendent Diane Fox. I look forward to where this takes us all, as we work together, in the best interests of our students, as well as this place we all call home.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Miller

Saranac Lake


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