
Buy a Brick to support the St. Armand Veterans Memorial

To the editor:

The St. Armand Veterans Memorial Park Task Force is excited to start the actual construction of the new Veterans Memorial in Bloomingdale. With the generous support of our community, we have raised over $123,600! We have recently made the final payment on the stone and bronze plaques to be installed honoring St. Armand veterans. We are just shy $19,300 from our goal of $142,900 to complete the entire design. The pergola is being installed this week; the final monies will be spent to install the brick patio, benches, planters and walkway.

We are hosting a “Buy a Brick” fundraiser to build the new Veterans Memorial. Everyone is welcome to purchase a brick to be installed in the patios and walkways. The bricks do not have to be for veterans, they can be for anyone — not just for St. Armand residents. Family members, pets, to thank someone, to remember an event or special day. These engraved memorial bricks will be a lasting family memento for future generations. Small bricks are $100 and large bricks are $250. Visit www.polarengraving.com/starmandveteransmemorialpark to purchase a brick or email us at STAVMPTF@ gmail.com, visit us on Facebook or call 518-637-9185 for more information.

We have a deadline of Aug. 7, 2024 to buy a brick to be installed for the debut of the new Veterans Memorial. Be a part of this historical event!

The Veterans Memorial will be installed at Veterans Memorial Park, 1688 state Route 3, Bloomingdale. The town of St. Armand owns the property.

We are so truly grateful for your support! Best regards,

Davina Thurston, Mick Changelo, Justyna Babcock, Cheri Fisher, Joe Fisher, Nancy Hurteau, Donna Whitelaw and Kate Lynch-Lewis

The St. Armand Veterans Memorial Park Task Force


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