
Benefits of turf field outweigh challenges

To the editor:

I am writing to express support for the proposal to install a turf field in the Saranac Lake Central School District. As a member of this community, a lacrosse coach and a passionate advocate for our students’ athletic success, I believe that investing in this project is essential for the continued growth and competitiveness of our sports teams.

A turf field would provide our student-athletes with a state-of-the-art facility that meets the standards of modern sports competition. With a turf field teams would have the opportunity to train and compete on a surface that offers consistent playing conditions regardless of weather or usage. This would not only enhance the quality of our athletic programs but also allow our teams to compete regionally on a higher level.

A turf field would offer numerous benefits beyond high school athletics. It would provide a versatile outdoor space that could be used for physical education classes, community events, and recreational activities throughout the year. By investing in a turf field we would be creating a valuable asset for our entire community to enjoy.

I understand that there may be concerns about the cost and environmental impact of this project. I believe that the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial challenges if done effectively and efficiently.

Carolyn Walton

Saranac Lake


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