
Katie Stiles deserves support

To the editor:

As a resident of Lake Placid and a long-time subscriber of your paper, I keep informed of the Saranac Lake Village Board election campaigns and the ongoing disputes of some of the board members on your present but soon retiring village board members. Saranac Lake has a lot going for it, with all the projects such as the Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant, the Adirondack Park Agency relocation and the relocations of the fire/rescue and police facilities.

One of the candidates for a seat on the village board is Katie Stiles, a native daughter of the village and owner/operator of her real estate brokerage business, Adirondack Stiles Real Estate Company. Having represented clients of my law office either buying or selling real estate where Katie Stiles is the real estate broker, her common sense and “let’s get it done” style is what makes her a good broker and will make her a valued village board member. She gets the correct facts and details and applies her business experience to the sale project and makes it happen. That is what Katie Stiles will bring to the Saranac Lake Village Board. The voters of Saranac Lake should cast their vote to gain those skills and benefits for the future continued growth of the village.

James M. Brooks

Lake Placid


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