
White has my vote for trustee

To the editor:

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Aurora White for village of Saranac Lake trustee.

Having had the privilege of being friends with Aurora for over 13 years, I can attest to her exceptional character and her dedication to learning. She constantly seeks out new knowledge and perspectives, which I believe is a crucial quality for effective leadership.

I am confident that Aurora will bring her expertise and well-rounded understanding to the village board. She is equipped with the necessary skills to analyze complex issues, make informed decisions and propose innovative solutions.

By supporting Aurora White, we are endorsing not just a candidate, but a leader who values knowledge, critical thinking, and doing the right thing even if it isn’t popular. I believe she will work diligently to make informed decisions that benefit our community.

I urge you to join me in supporting Aurora White for trustee. Together, we can elect a leader who is dedicated to using her knowledge and experience for the betterment of all village residents.

Jenni Evans

Saranac Lake


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