
SL Rotary Club thanks

To the editor:

As we reflect on the 73rd annual Winter Carnival Rotary Show, the Rotary Club of Saranac Lake wishes to express our deepest gratitude to those who played a crucial role in bringing this cherished event to life. The success of the night was a testament to the incredible spirit and cooperation within our community.

A special shoutout to Eric Olsen, who, in a true display of community spirit, stepped in as MC at the eleventh hour to relieve a Rotarian victim of a virus that wouldn’t quit. His contribution was invaluable, yet he was just one of the many pillars of support. Russ Feher’s expertise with the Harrietstown Town Hall’s sound system set the stage for a memorable show, while the combined efforts of Barry Brogan, Diana and Bob Gill with the spotlights helped illuminate the talent of our performers.

Behind the scenes, Joe Tally orchestrated backstage operations seamlessly. The Munn family’s provision of refreshments and Adirondack Health’s printing of our programs were critical in enhancing the overall experience. Our diligent ushers ensured that our sold-out event ran smoothly, ensuring everyone’s safety and enjoyment in the stunning town hall.

We also extend our thanks to Kim Wilkes and Erik Stender, whose performances alongside the Rotary Dancers captivated us all. The town hall staff deserve praise for their patience and assistance, helping us weave together the many elements of this annual celebration.

The energy and enthusiasm from our audience were palpable, making the show not just a performance, but a celebration of our community’s talent and camaraderie. It’s these moments that reinforce our love for Saranac Lake and its traditions.

To all who contributed, attended, and supported the Winter Carnival Rotary Show, your engagement is what makes our community vibrant and strong. Our heartfelt thanks to the Saranac Lake Community for another unforgettable year.


Jasen Lawrence

President, Rotary Club of Saranac Lake


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