
Lunch and learn

To the editor:

At the library on Jan. 24, Grace Sullivan was invited to give a talk on updated information regarding immigration in the North Country. This was a great opportunity for getting up-to-date news and resources in the area.

Ms. Sullivan, an immigration lawyer, explained that the North Country is actually a targeted area for immigrants to enter the United States. She showed several news headlines, including a tragic one of a pregnant Mexican woman who drowned in the Chazy River, in Champlain.

In further discussion, Ms. Sullivan presented statistics for the immigration population census per counties, with Clinton and Essex having about 4% non-U.S. born inhabitants, which may appear insignificant, however, far from it. Evidenced by the frequent encounters with foreigners at the grocery stores, walking on the streets, and at at social events in town.

Processes and resources were shared and expanded upon. Such as the St. Joe’s Charity in Plattsburgh where Ms. Noiseux works and serves as a contact point for immigrants to access legal consultation and assistance, guidance regarding food sources and other necessities.

Among the resources, a hot line phone number was provided for reporting suspected human trafficking.

The North Country community has a growing network of supporters. Close to 20 people attended this informative and eye-opening lunch-and-learn, where all present had opportunity to ask questions and participate which allowed for clarification and expansion of perceptions.

Although, not always blatant, racism and prejudice can be subtle and experienced in the streets, at the market or the workplace. Lack of knowledge regarding immigration laws and compassion remains a problem in many parts of the country. It can be induced by fear or ingrained by old concepts.

As the immigrant population in the North Country continually grows, it is of the utmost importance to raise awareness and to have empathy for the challenges immigrants face.

My most sincere thank you to the Saranac Lake Free Library and Ms. Sullivan for taking the time to educate the community and support us immigrants.

Sara Diaz Riveron, RN

Saranac Lake


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