
Congrats to winners of Ice Palace Pike Challenge

To the editor:

Dear Saranac Lake,

In my opinion the 2024 Ice Palace Pike Challenge is a big win for Saranac Lake, giving the youth a chance to be a part of a tradition. It is very important to keep old school traditions alive and to work hard, respect and understand each other.

My team and I were honored to open a door enabling the youth of Saranac Lake to place their fish in the history books.

Teampedator would like to congratulate the winners of 2024:

¯ Sam Duprey took first place with a 10.73 pound fish, winning a $500 cash prize and his name in the Palace history book with his pike placed in the Ice Palace.

¯ Carter Hewitt took second place with a 7.70 pound fish, winning a $250 cash prize and his name in the Palace history book with his pike placed in the Ice Palace.

¯ John Duprey took third place 4.08 pound fish winning a $100 cash prize.

Also want to congratulate and thank Olivia Munn, a 6 year old in first grade, for holding second place until the very end.

We also want to give a huge thanks to local business who donated and participated in prizes for the drawings.

Thank you to the builders and volunteers who every year team up and work as one to keep the ice palace tradition alive year after year.

We look forward to seeing everyone next year. Advertising for this event next year will start in early January of 2025.

Great job everyone and we look forward to seeing you next year!

Matt Pafundi


Saranac Lake


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