
Stefanik voted against bill to fund government

To the editor:

A budget bill to avoid a government shutdown passed last Friday and was signed by President Biden. It assured continued funding into March for items such as agriculture and veterans programs, as well as the Defense Department.

Rep. Elise Stefanik was the only member of the House of Representatives from New York state, Republican or Democrat, to vote against maintaining funding for these programs. She did not mention this in her Weekly Update.

I guess we, her constituents, can be consoled by the fact that she talks a good line about supporting North Country farmers, veterans, Fort Drum and a strong military. Words about a strong military are to be found in that latest Weekly Update.

Claire Gilmore

Tupper Lake

(Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/19/us/politics/biden-spending-bill.html.)


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