
Honesty, integrity and character

To the editor:

Honesty, integrity, character.

People who exude these values, or attributes, are usually the type of people that other people wish to emulate. They are also usually more professional and preferred to do business with.

It could be anyone. From the cop who always does the right thing to the store employee or owner, who provides prompt and courteous service, and may have to go out of their way to do so. Or the teacher who often, or even regularly, stay late and still do school work at home.

With this being an election year, the campaign ads are about to become much more prevalent.

Try to make a note of which ads contain name calling, finger pointing and, well, less than honest statements.

Then make a note of which ads have no name calling, no finger pointing and honest statements.

Which ones speak about the well being of our children and grandchildren, and which ones don’t.

You just might see a sharp contrast.

Which ideology are you more comfortable with?

Good luck,

Matt Moore

Lake Placid


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