
Grateful for Saranac Lake’s Halloween spirit

To the editor:

I want to say how grateful I was for Saranac Lakers yesterday. As I stood in the middle of Main Street for downtown’s after school trick-or-treat, I couldn’t stop smiling.

There were little kids and big kids, parents and grandparents, general community members, and businesses all celebrating kids being kids. It was particularly wonderful that big kids weren’t turned away because they were “too old.”

Thank you to everyone involved. In a time when the news is filled with sorrow and hate, people being really horrible to each other, I am incredibly grateful to be part of a community that took time out of their hectic day to be kind to one another and celebrate kids (of all ages) being kids. Keep up the great work, Saranac Lake.

Tori N. Thurston

Saranac Lake


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