Vote DeZalia for Essex County clerk
To the editor:
It is with great pleasure and honor to place our full political support behind Stephanie DeZalia as an Essex County clerk hopeful. She has proven her loyalty to her community and we cannot think of anyone more suited for this position.
Stephanie’s many years as a conscientious public servant to her hometown and in the County Clerk’s Office ensures she will be an informed leader representing all of us, the people of Essex County. Stephanie’s experiences on several town and county boards and committees means she understands how local government works — and doesn’t. She will hit the ground running on day one of her term. We, and you, will appreciate her thoughtful leadership in the County Clerk’s Office. Stephanie seeks out new ideas and different perspectives, weighs the alternatives, considers possible outcomes and develops reasonable positions. She is approachable and engaged, and genuinely committed to serve the public.
We should all join together and elect a leader to represent all of us; one who cares about our communities and well being. A vote for Stephanie DeZalia is a vote for a new vision at the Essex County Clerk’s Office and we know she is fully qualified for the job. Your vote for her is a vote for the candidate who listens to your concerns and has ideas of how to create changes for the betterment of everyone.
Vote New Vision candidate Stephanie DeZalia, on the independent ballot on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Sincerely, her campaign supporters and proud parents.
Stephen and Edna Bowers