
Time to face the music, Stefanik

To the editor:

How about now, Elise Stefanik? What foolish lies will she make up about Jack Smith?

She embarrasses herself almost daily. The New Republic reports: “Elise Stefanik wins prize for stupidest comments about Trump indictment: The New York Republican claims that Biden is ‘engulfed in one of the biggest political corruption scandals of all time.'” Oh, really?

Thankfully, Rep. Daniel S. Goldman, of D-NY, was in the room when Hunter Biden’s business associate testified about Hunter Biden. Goldman said Archer “stated unequivocally” that “there is no evidence in his possession or his knowledge that Joe Biden ever discussed business with Hunter Biden. Joe Biden never did anything on behalf of Hunter Biden’s business interests or otherwise, never changed official policy in any way, shape or form.”

Several Republicans in the House continue to try to deflect the subject away from Donald Trump, the most pathologically dishonest, vile and dangerous man to ever be president and all his alleged crimes. The latest and most damning indictments for Jan. 6 could give him 55 years in federal prison. Jack Smith created a “masterpiece” of an indictment, according to several former federal prosecutors. I also like the fact that Mr. Smith praised the Capital police, who were “heroes” in preventing a worse scenario. Some of those police were tortured and killed — all by people who believed Trump’s lies. He sent them there.

The majority of us are so tired of hearing “no one is above the law.” Well, Mr. Trump believed he was. He has been getting away with one thing after another for years. It’s high time he faced the music for his criminal activities.

One last thing, Hunter Biden is a private citizen and has been investigated for a good five years. Nothing has come of the waste of taxpayer dollars except more rumor and innuendo. What about Ivanka and Jared, who couldn’t even get security clearances? They made hundreds of millions of dollars while working in the White House! How does that work? Then Jared got a $2 billion “investment” from the Saudis. Where are the investigations on all of that? Oh, wait. President Biden and the Democrats are actually doing work that benefits Americans.

So our representative has been busy raising funds for The Donald’s defense fund. Go for it, Elise … but don’t come running to us when everyone wises up to your lies and he’s in prison. Do you actually believe you will be Trump’s vice president? You’re more delusional than he is.

Do we not deserve an honorable, honest representative in Congress who is working to benefit us, her constituents?


Jennifer Zahn

Saranac Lake


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