
Saranac Lake executive session is today

To the editor:

The village of Saranac Lake has announced a meeting to be held Thursday, Aug. 24 at 12:30 p.m. for the stated purpose of an executive session to discuss lease of real property, which may or may not refer to the longterm commitment of 1-3 Main St. — including village police headquarters — for the Adirondack Park Agency.

The notification posted on the schedule page of the the village website is a departure from the board’s practice of posting an agenda in advance of board meetings on the trustees’ web page. Nor is there any mention of allowing public input at the meeting. Even if the sole purpose of the meeting is to enter executive session, New York state’s Open meetings laws require due notice to members of the public of all public meetings. Mayor Jimmy Williams and village trustees need to take seriously their commitment to transparency in their public duties.

Mark Wilson

Saranac Lake


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