
Compromise is needed

To the editor:

The importance of compromise is vital in any form of negotiation. What we are witnessing in Washington, D.C., is the lack of both sides of the aisle failing the duties of their office they were elected to.

Finding common ground, what the White House and Congress can agree on to avoid a catastrophic default is obvious. Paying our military, ensuring their constituents continue to receive their Social Security payments and protecting the reputation and trust of the country to the world are obvious. Protecting retirement funds and governmental employees’ livelihoods should also be in the minds of our politicians.

As voters, we need to remember that regardless of party affiliation, if a resolution is not reached, the individual in office should not be reelected in the future. The importance of working toward the betterment of the country should be foremost in the elected officials’ minds, not about personal power.

The phrase “country above self” needs to become the basis of what their agenda should be. I urge individuals to contact their elected officials today.

Tom Finch

Saranac Lake


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