
Tucker does Donald

To the editor:

If there’s anything more virulent than racism in this country it’s sexism. It was especially despicable in the Trump years. In early March, Fox News host Tucker Carlson ridiculed changes the military has made accommodating the 232, 000 women (16.5% of total U.S. forces) who serve their country,

Displaying a picture of a flight suit for pregnant women, Carlson stated the military was becoming “more feminine. … It’s out of control, and the Pentagon is going along with this. … Pregnant women are going to fight our wars.” This highly insulting criticism comes from someone who chose not to serve in the military. No doubt those pregnant women would do a much better job defending the nation than Carlson.

Carlson’s remarks were widely condemned by members of the U.S. military, including many with combat experience. Marine Corps veteran J.D. Simkins tweeted, “I’ll never forget the day in 2005 when Tucker Carlson took control of a firefight…killing 3 enemies at close range with his M4…Oh wait, that was 23 y/o Silver Star recipient Sgt Leigh Ann Hestor.”

Maggie Seymour, a major in the Marine Corps Reserve, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, noted the difference between Carlson and herself: “My uterus has more combat time than you Tucker.”

Like his draft-dodging idol Donald Trump, Carlson is nothing more than a loud-mouthed coward. The real tragedy of his sexist stupidity is that so many MAGA supporters agree with everything he says, even his berating women who serve their country in uniform.

George J. Bryjak



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