
Invest in Our New York

To the editor:

Gov. Cuomo has submitted his proposed budget for fiscal year 2022 to the legislature. His plan to address the $15 billion budget gap is to reduce spending by $10.1 billion, which, if adopted, means painful cuts that will affect all of us in the North Country.

Our counties are struggling to come up with solutions to make up for the loss of revenue due to the expected reduction in financial support from the state. The cuts will impact our schools, many of whom receive 40-50% of their budgets from state funding. Across-the-board reductions to libraries, local human service providers and community colleges are likely. Proposed “restructuring” of Medicaid will affect our most vulnerable populations, including seniors and disabled members of our communities. Reduction in funding impacts local infrastructure such as road, street and sidewalk repair.

One way to make up for the loss is to place the burden on the local taxpayers by removing the property tax caps — which means we pay more while programs and services continue to disappear.

The better solution is to push our legislators to pass the Invest in Our New York Act, a package of six state bills that raises $50 billion in new revenue by ending tax breaks for the wealthiest New Yorkers. This revenue can prevent cuts to public programs and invest in education, jobs, housing and health care. We have the opportunity right now to enact a fairer tax system that will raise revenue each year and put New York on a firm financial footing for the long term.

The Invest in Our New York Act has the support of more than 200 organizations across the state, including Adirondack Voters for Change. The state budget is due to be finalized by March 31. At this moment while the budget is being formulated, our legislators and Gov. Cuomo need a push. Let them know you favor this much-needed reimagining of our tax system. Call or email them now.

Visit the IONY website to learn more: http://investinourny.org.

Phyllis Sinclair

Board member

Adirondack Voters for Change



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